Multi-Function Display

Similar to the PFD, the Multi-Function Display, or MFD, is one of the central components in a cockpit. Its primary function is to display a navigation map and/or a visual representation of the flight plan.


On This Page

MFD Overview


The underlying element of the EYEVIONICS MFD is the map. It displays the surface of the globe as a 3D sphere (WGS84 compliant), together with information from an aeronautical database. 3D Terrain & Topographic Imagery can be selected to enhance the map.

AVIATOR FEATURES 3D Terrain & Topographic Imagery

3D Terrain & Topographic Imagery require EYEVIONICS Aviator. Get it here.

Camera Control Bar

The camera control bar at the bottom of the MFD contains controls for the view perspective, zoom setting and camera lock. Learn more about camera controls here.

Airspace & Autopilot Information Bar

When the App layout is configured so that no PFD Panel is visible, a bar with information about the current airspace and autopilot state is shown at the top of the MFD. This helps with monitoring crucial information when focused on navigating in the MFD.

AVIATOR FEATURES By tapping on the current airspace information, the current airspace's boundaries are highlighted in 3D. Learn more about this feature here.

EYEVIONICS Airspace Situation Indicator

Camera Controls

EYEVIONICS MFD Camera Control Toolbar

The camera controls change orientation and magnification of the MFD map, or allow unlocking the camera from the aircraft, allowing free exploration of the map.


The Follow camera mode described below requires EYEVIONICS Aviator. Get it here.

Camera Lock

This icon locks or unlocks the camera to/from the aircraft's current position. When the icon is blue, the camera lock is disabled and the map can be explored by dragging with a finger to move around the map and pinching with two fingers to zoom.

Camera Zoom

When the camera is locked to the aircraft's position, these buttons allow zooming in (+ icon) or out (- icon).

Camera Orientation

Tap this icon to cycle through the available camera orientations. The text below the icon will indicate the current camera mode.
North Up
Camera oriented true north up, centered on the current aircraft position.
Camera oriented heading up, centered on the current aircraft position.
The icon will point toward true north.
Camera oriented heading up, centered forward of the aircraft. Ideal for following flight plans.
The icon will point toward true north.
Camera positioned behind the aircraft's current position on the map, looking forward of the aircraft and down at an acute angle.
Ideal for mountain flying and situations that require hightened situational awareness.
Orientation may change away from aircraft heading if MFD → Turn Lookahead is enabled.
Requires EYEVIONICS Aviator.
EYEVIONICS MFD Camera North Icon EYEVIONICS MFD Camera Follow Icon

MFD Fold-Out

Similar to the controls for the Primary Flight Display in the PFD Fold-Out, the MFD Fold-Out offers various controls affecting the Multi-Function Display.


Toggles the Terrain Alert functionality on or off.
Cycles between available imagery, for example EYEVIONICS Topographic Imagery, Satellite, or no imagery.
Show Airspaces
Cycles between visible airspaces, either:
No airspaces are visible.
All airspaces are visible.
Altitude Overlap
Only airspaces that extend both below and above the aircraft's current altitude are visible (longitude/latitude are ignored).
Ideal for VFR en-route flight.
Location Overlap
Only airspaces are visible that include the aircraft's current longitude/latitude coordinate (altitude is ignored).
Show Aerodromes
Cycles between visible aerodrome types, allowing to select airports, airfields, heliports and combinations thereof.
Show Navaids
Toggle navaid visibility on or off.
Show VRPs
Toggle Visual Reporting Point visibility on or off.
VRPs are commonly used for VFR flight close to aerodromes in Europe.
Cycle between traffic distance presets, or turn traffic off.
For example, a setting of 60NM 12,000ft will show all traffic within 60 Nautical Miles around the aircraft's current coordinate, and within 12,000 feet of the aircraft's current altitude.
When Turn Lookahead is enabled and with the camera in Follow mode, the camera will automatically rotate toward the direction of a turn, providing increased situational awareness. Ideal for mountain flying.

MFD Symbology

Much of the MFD symbology is not visible when the camera is either in Follow view, or when the camera is unlocked from the aircraft.

Compass Rose & Distance Rings

A compass rose is shown, centered on the current position of the aircraft. A distance indication appears at around the 4 o'clock position of the compass rose. Likewise, distance rings may appear, depending on current MFD settings. The compass rose shows magnetic headings.

Selected Heading Indicator

The MFD shows a dashed aquamarine blue line extending from the aircraft's position in the direction of the heading is entered in the Autopilot heading selector. This indicator shows magnetic headings.

Example Scenario

The screenshow below shows an aircraft in a right downward turn, currently heading 125°. The heading bug is set to 199°. This heading is indicated in aquamarine blue over the PFD HSI and as a dashed line in the MFD.

EYEVIONICS MFD Selected Heading Indicator Example

Altitude Crossing Indicator

The Altitude Crossing Indicator indicates with a aquamarine blue arc at what approximate point a certain altitude is crossed or reached. The Autopilot altitude setting is used as a target altitude for this indicator. This indicator works both for climb and descent.

Example Scenario

The screenshot below shows an aircraft at approximately 7400ft, climbing at ca 2600ft per minute. The altitude target of 12,000ft is set in the Autopilot Fold-Out (here at the top of the PFD). The MFD camera is in Forward mode, showing the Altitude Crossing Indicator (aquamarine blue arc ) around 12NM ahead of the aircraft.

EYEVIONICS MFD Altitude Crossing Indicator Example

Estimation Method

To estimate where the target altitude is reached, the EYEVIONICS App uses current and very recent vertical rate and groundspeed data. The Autopilot Vertical Speed setting is not used for this estimation.

Indicator Behaviour

The blue arc of this indicator is displayed in the direction of the aircraft's current true heading. It will disappear within:

  • 50ft of the target altitude
  • 0.25NM of the location where the target altitude will be reached
  • 5 seconds of when the target altitude will be reached

Flight Path Projection

AVIATOR FEATURE This feature requires EYEVIONICS Aviator. Get it here.

The Flight Path Projection is a seafoam green line extending from the aircraft. It shows a projection of the flight path, providing an approximation of the aircraft's position in the near future.