Known Issues & Limitations

Limitations due to Aircraft Implementations

Microsoft Flight Simulator offers a somewhat "standardized" way of implementing aircraft models and the logic for aircraft systems. This "standard" is in essence a list of variables, each of which containing information about the state of an aircraft system. A simple example could be a variable such as AUTOPILOT MASTER, holding information about whether or not the autopilot is engaged.

However, some aircraft models are not implemented within this standard. Aircraft developers have a variety of reasons for this, but a common reason is that the "standard" mentioned above cannot fully reflect the complexities of all aircraft models. For example, MSFS has no "standard" variable for the rotation state of rotating engine nacelles. In such cases, aircraft developers use their own, proprietary variables, instead of variables that already exist in MSFS.

Unfortunately, EYEVIONICS cannot know all of the proprietary variables used by aircraft developers. This can lead to systems of some aircraft, say for example the Autopilot system or Radios, not being fully controllable from the EYEVIONICS App. EYEVIONICS is working on ways to work around these issues, but there will likely always be some aircraft models affected by issues like this.

The EYEVIONICS PFD and MFD however are functional for most, if not all, aircraft models available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Weather Information from MSFS (METAR)

The EYEVIONICS weather information tab for aerodromes displays weather information, both as METAR text and as a visual representation for easier readability. Since this weather data is loaded from MSFS, the accuracy of the data depends on what the simulator sends, which is not always up to date information.

Simulator Traffic

Similar to weather data, EYEVIONICS relies on Microsoft Flight Simulator to send traffic information to the EYEVIONICS App. However, this traffic data is sometimes incomplete or flat out missing. If you're not seeing traffic in the EYEVIONICS App even though you enabled it in the App settings, try changing the MSFS traffic settings from AI Traffic to Online Traffic, or vice versa.